Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (2024)

Looking for a delicious and easy-to-make sweet potato pancake recipe? This simple recipe for sweet potato pancake requires just one bowl and yields fluffy, flavorful pancakes with nutritional benefits. Easily make them gluten free and dairy free.

These sweet potato pancakes are a delicious twist on the classic breakfast dish, and they’re sure to keep you full and satisfied all morning long. Make sure to make a double batch to freeze for later!

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (1)

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Favorite Swett Potato Pancakes

There’s nothing quite like a stack of pancakes for breakfast, and when you add sweet potatoes to the mix, you’re getting a delicious and nutritious meal.

Kid version: Sweet Potato Pancakes For Kids

The key to making soft and fluffy sweet potato pancakes is to use a smooth sweet potato puree without adding additional liquid such as milk, which is usually a staple ingredient. This gives the pancakes extra moisture while creating a light and airy texture.

There’s an art to making the perfect pancake without adding tons of refined flour and sugar suitable for the entire family. But with this recipe you’ll be able to make perfect sweet potato pancakes every time.

Related: Crispy Golden Grated Potato Fritters

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (2)

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Ingredients For Sweet Potato Pancakes:

  • Cooked, sweet potato puree (you can bake, roast or steam the sweet potatoes in advance). Then mix with a touch of water in a food processor until smooth. Or you could use mashed sweet potatoes if you don’t mind some lumps in the final product. Canned sweet potatoes is another option. However you might need to add 3-4 tbsp of water or milk to thin out the batter.
  • Eggs – it’s important for a good fluffy pancake texture.
  • Flour – all-purpose flour or whole wheat flour. For gluten free version use this gluten free flour mix.
  • Butter or oil (use melted butter, if dairy free: use a dairy free butter or oil);
  • Sweetener (sugar of your choice or maple syrup)
  • Baking powder – as the leavening agent.
  • Seasonings – salt, cinnamon and cardamom.

Related: Potato Fritters With Crab Meat | Gluten Free

How to Make Sweet Potato Pancakes


For minimal prep time make sure to make the sweet potato puree in advance. Steam or bake and blend with a touch of water.

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (3)

Step 1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the wet ingredients first: sweet potato puree, egg, and sweetener. Mix well. Skip the sweetener for a no-added sugar pancake version.

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (4)

Step 2. Then to the sweet potato mixture add dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cardamom. Mix until combined.

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (5)

Step 3. Heat a griddle or large frying pan over medium heat. Grease with butter or oil. Skip the frying oil with a non-stick ceramic skillet.

Step 4. Scoop 2 table spoons of batter for each pancake onto the frying pan. Cook for 2 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface of the pancake.

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (6)

Step 5. Flip and cook for 1-2 minutes more or until golden brown.

Step 6. Serve the sweet potato pancakes with maple syrup, yogurt, fruits or your favorite toppings. Enjoy!

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (7)

Tips For Making Sweet Potato Pancakes – Soft and Fluffy

  • Make sure the sweet potato puree is smooth without any lumps. This will ensure that the pancakes are light and airy.
  • Be sure not to overmix the batter – a few lumps are perfectly fine. Mix just until the ingredients are combined. Overmixing will result in tough pancakes.
  • Use a large skillet or griddle for best results, preferably non-stick ceramic. This will help to prevent sticking and make flipping the sweet potato pancakes a breeze.
  • First batch may cook slower if you didn’t warm up the pan properly. Make sure to adjust the heat with the next one.
Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (8)

Pancake Storing

  • These sweet potato pancakes are best enjoyed fresh but can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for later. Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop before serving.
  • To freeze, place pancakes in a freezer-safe bag or container. Freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the fridge and reheat before serving.

Things To Add To Make Your Sweet Potato Pancake Pop

Sweet potato pancakes are delicious on their own but can be taken to the next level with a few simple add-ins in the batter.

  1. Seasonings such as nutmeg, ginger, pumpkin spice.
  2. Chopped nuts and seeds
  3. Chocolate chips
  4. Fresh or frozen fruit
Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (9)

How to enjoy the sweet potato pancakes

  • Serve with maple syrup and butter for a classic breakfast dish. Ormaple cream, it’s just heavenly similar to caramel!
  • Top with whipped coconut cream.
  • Finish with fruits like banana, blueberries, strawberries or apple sauce.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
  • Drizzle with honey.
  • Add a dollop of coconut yogurt.

The possibilities are endless! Get creative and enjoy your sweet potato pancakes however you like them best.

Sweet Potato Pancakes FAQs

Should you let your sweet potato pancake batter rest?

Not necessary, but if you have the time letting the batter sit for 5-10 minutes will allow the baking powder to activate and make your pancakes even fluffier.

Can I use a different flour?

Yes, you can use any type of flour that you like. All-purpose, whole wheat, oat flour, gluten free or even almond flour will work. Just keep in mind that the texture of your pancakes may vary slightly. Some flours tend to absorb a lot of moisture like oat and whole wheat, so you might need to add additional liquid or eggs. For best results I suggest you stick to the presented proportions.

Do I need to add sweetener?

No, you don’t have to add sweetener but it does help to balance out the savory flavors of the sweet potato. If you are making a savory pancake, feel free to omit the sweetener.

Can I make these pancakes ahead of time?

Yes, you can either make the sweet potato puree ahead of time or make the entire pancake batter and store it in the fridge until you’re ready to cook (up to 12 hours). These pancakes also freeze well so you can make a big batch and have them on hand for a quick and easy breakfast or snack.

Can I make pancakes with shredded sweet potato?

Yes, you can use shredded sweet potato but the pancakes will be a little more dense and may not be as fluffy. If you prefer to use shredded sweet potato, make sure to wring out any excess moisture before adding it to the batter. You can try these sweet potato fritters with grated sweet potatoes if you like.

Can I make sweet potato pancakes without eggs?

Yes, you can make these pancakes without eggs but they will not be fluffy. If you want to make them without eggs, replace each egg with 1/4 cup of (non-dairy) yogurt. You may also need to add a little more flour to the batter if it’s too thin.

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (10)

There’s something about sweet potato pancakes that just makes them irresistible. Maybe it’s the fluffy texture, the rich flavor, or the fact that they’re the perfect canvas for all your favorite toppings.

Whatever the reason, we can all agree that sweet potato pancakes are simply delicious and keep you full longer.

More Healthy Pancake Recipes You Might Like

More Sweet Potato Recipes To Try

  • Sweet Potato Tortillas
  • Savory Vegan Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes
  • Butternut Squash Casserole With Sweet Potato

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Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (11)

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Perfect Fluffy Sweet Potato Pancakes

Looking for a delicious and easy-to-makesweet potato pancake recipe? This simple recipe for sweet potato pancakes requires just one bowl and yields fluffy, flavorful pancakes with nutritional benefits.The key to making soft and fluffy sweet potato pancakes is to use a smooth sweet potato puree without adding additional liquid. Easily make them gluten free and dairy free!

Prep Time15 minutes mins

Cook Time45 minutes mins

Total Time1 hour hr

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American, Clean Eating, Dairy Free

Servings: 10 pancakes (4″)

Calories: 103.8kcal

Author: HealthyTasteOfLife

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  • 1 cup sweet potato (puree or mashed) - ~ 1 medium-large sweet potato
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tbsp melted butter - or dairy free butter
  • 2/3 cup flour - see notes
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp maple sugar - or syrup
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt

To add flavor:

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2/3 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom


Prepare the Sweet Potato Mash/Puree

  • For minimal prep time make sure to make the sweet potato mash/puree in advance. Steam or bake and blend with a touch of water.

Prepare the batter:

  • In a large mixing bowl,combine the wet ingredients first:sweet potato puree, egg, and sweetener. Mix well. Skip the sweetener for a no-added sugar pancake version.

  • Then to the sweet potato mixtureadd dry ingredients:flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cardamom. Mix until combined.

  • Be sure not to overmix the batter – a few lumps are perfectly fine. Mix just until the ingredients are combined. Overmixing will result in tough pancakes.

Cook The Pancakes

  • Heat a griddle or large frying pan over medium heat. Grease with butter or oil. Skip the frying oil with a non-stick ceramic skillet.

  • Scoop 2 tablespoons of batter for each pancake onto the frying pan. Cook for 2 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface of the pancake.

  • Flip and cook for 1-2 minutes more or until golden brown.

  • Serve the sweet potato pancakes with maple syrup, yogurt, fruits or your favorite toppings.


Tips For Perfect Sweet Potato Pancakes

  • Sweet Potato: you could use mashed sweet potatoes if you don’t mind some lumps in the final product. Canned sweet potatoes is another option. However you might need to add 3-4 tbsp of water or milk to thin out the batter.
  • Flour: you can use any type of flour you like. All-purpose, whole wheat, oat flour, gluten free flour mix or even almond flour will work. Just keep in mind that the texture of your pancakes may vary slightly. Some flours tend to absorb a lot of moisture like oat and whole wheat, so you might need to add additional liquid or eggs. For best results I suggest you stick to the presented proportions.

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Serving: 1pancake | Calories: 103.8kcal | Carbohydrates: 16.3g | Protein: 2.8g | Fat: 3.4g | Fiber: 1.8g | Sugar: 5.5g | Vitamin A: 5288.8IU | Vitamin C: 4.2mg | Calcium: 68.6mg | Iron: 0.8mg

The information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator.

©HealthyTasteOfLife. Content and photographs are copyright protected and need prior permission to use. Copying and/or pasting full recipes to other websites and any social media is strictly prohibited. Sharing and using the link of this recipe is both encouraged and appreciated!

Healthy Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe (2024)
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