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DriveItNow instantly quotes real rates based on the shopper's actual credit, real financing programs and the vehicle they want to buy.


In the post, Students with Disabilities Suspended More Often, Disability Scoop explains the new report found «significant variation in suspension rates based on race» and on where a student lives.


Although all 50 states now report graduation rates based upon a uniform formula, states award different types of high school diplomas to students and graduation requirements can vary considerably from state to state.


Now, we have much better data on graduation rates, but we still have reporting on dropout rates because of the machinery of a required federal report, and school districts and states often still publish dropout rates based on (highly - flawed) administrative data.


For now, I caution you to avoid communicating any results regarding proficiency rates based on the 2015 quick scores using performance level relationships that were last calculated and communicated in 2013.


The data also tells us that students with identical test scores will complete college at similarly disparate rates based on socioeconomic status.


Individual school districts determine pay rates based on experience for educators, administrators, and maintenance staff.


They publish separate rates based on gender, age, and years of experience, but years of experience is often the dominant factor.


But the USED study did not report graduation rates based on school records nor did it track individual students as they advanced through the program.


High stakes testing is an inaccurate measure of the knowledge of students because it rates them based on how they did on a single day and on a single test rather than on how they did during a full year of work and on many different kinds of assessment methods.


At first, he started by grouping students in hom*ogenous groups based on their ability, delivering the same content but at different rates based on their level.


The state's lowest 5 percent of schools was based on 2015 math and English assessment scores, graduation rates based on four years of data, the English learner indicator of the past two years, suspension rates over two years and college and career indicators.

Editor's Note: This story was updated to indicate that comparing college readiness rates based on the previous Early Assessment Program with those based on the current EAP is misleading because only students who were more advanced in math preparation took the earlier test.


Pennsylvania, like New York and New Jersey, sets tuition rates based on district per pupil spending.


View geographic patterns in school participation rates based on where students live in the map below.


One concern teachers may have about any system that rates them based on their students» performance is, What if, by design or luck of the draw, they teach many students who are academically challenged by factors beyond the teacher's control?


In addition to the above factors, Adamowski started saying that graduation rates were based on who finished in 4 years, a difficult measure if students must make up credits but who do eventually graduate, and he calculated rates based on the numbers in the freshman class — again, this will adversely affect urban areas where students move more frequently, may leave in hopes of finding a job, or other issues.


The materials would be required to work on major operating systems and devices, and districts could license the content at different rates based on the length of time.


The first makes state assessment data comparable by adjusting proficiency rates based on the discrepancy between how well low - income students performed on The National Assessment of Academic Progress (NAEP) in each state compared to how well low - income students performed on their own state exam.


At Windsor Wine Country, we offer a number of rates based on which electrical service.


None; in fact, the evidence is to the contrary, as witness the fact that you get different ages for La Ferrassie according to whether you extrapolate rates based on basal length, facial height or whatever (see above).


The study looked at injury rates based on the number of innings pitched and five levels of yearly increases ranging from 10 to 50 innings.


We also participate in certain web traffic services such as comScore, as part of web traffic reporting obligations to certain vendors and partners that may require such data in order to receive their services (e.g., news services that license content according to rates based on the number of visitors to our site).


The third JAMA Psychiatry article by lead author Michael Schoenbaum of the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, examined the suicide and accident death rates in relation to basic socio - demographic and Army experience factors in the 975,057 Regular Army soldiers who served between Jan. 1, 2004 and Dec. 31, 2009, charting variations in the rates based on a variety of factors including sex, race, education level, and rank.


The error rate of forecasting individual hospitals» emergency department visit rates based on Internet searches ranged from 5.2 percent to 13.1 percent.


His team calculated success rates based on the number of live births per IVF procedure, while fertility clinics often judge success by the number of pregnancies achieved.


Prof. Peters with his research team are now developing a model that calculates the properties and behaviour of snow masses under high and low strain rates based on the structure of microscopic snow particles.


The bill removes the individual mandate to purchase insurance coverage, reduces the level of mandatory coverage, allows insurers to charge different rates based on «health status», cuts Medicaid, swaps mainly income - based subsidies for mainly age - based tax credits for those buying insurance on the individual market, and includes numerous tax cuts.


The Census Bureau tracks turnout rates based on self - reporting from people in each state.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo has never signaled a willingness to let municipalities set their own rates, although the state's recent minimum wage legislation did set the rates based on regions.


Maternity units provided bump2babe with numbers of mothers for the various categories and we calculated the percentage rates based on the numbers of mothers who gave birth in the unit.


Before the success rates based on live births can be calculated, every ART pregnancy must be followed up on to determine if a live birth occurred.


South Carolina has marginal tax rates based on income brackets.


Below, we compared USAA to three different types of lenders that offer VA loans using rates based on a 30 - year fixed - rate VA mortgage.


Unfortunately, the general website doesn't allow you to tailor the assumptions to your needs and instead displays current mortgage rates based on their assumptions.


The relative cost of mortgage interest is only part of this equation, which means lower mortgage rates based on a falling 10 yr yield would likely not stimulate home buying at this point.


HOW WE CALCULATE AND DETERMINE RATES: We calculate variable rates based on the Prime Rate by using the highest U.S. Prime Rate listed in The Wall Street Journal on the last business day of the month.


This allows venues to effectively manage meeting space, delivering discounted rates based on lead - time, occupancy levels or days of the week.»


Mortgage lenders set interest rates based on their expectations for future inflation and interest rates.


«Borrowings are from financing subsidiaries of ExxonMobil Corporation and carry interest rates based directly on industry standard benchmarks including a risk - based spread.


Private student loans have interest rates based on your credit rating, and they are not always tax deductible.


After all, the ECB is firmly committed to asset monetisation and negative interest rates based on the belief that these counter-productive policies are working, and the Federal Reserve is seemingly afraid to take even a small step towards «policy normalisation» despite its targets for employment and «inflation» having been reached more than three years ago.


When you put money in a bank, you'll find that you earn different interest rates based on the type of deposit account you open and the institution you do business with.


This year, clients had the option to choose from three rates based on terms ranging from 15 to 27 months.


Taxing authorities in Colorado calculate tax rates based on how much revenue they need.


* Electricity rates based on the cost of generation plus a reasonable return for generators.


Although many lenders will offer similar rates based upon your credit score, credit history, and income, sometimes the best available rates will come from a financial institution that is familiar with you (such as your local bank or credit union) or from nontraditional sources, such as peer - to - peer lending platforms.


They calculate growth rates based on 20 - quarter rolling averages.


Make That Money and Budgeting with Your Boo are the only courses that could be used by a non-residents, however, the tax rates used for estimation in Make That Money are Canadian and so as a non-resident, you'd have to estimate your own tax rates based on where you live.


If the Fed were to continue hiking rates based on the current low rate of productivity growth for fear that inflation would accelerate, that would tend to keep productivity growth permanently depressed by preventing wage pressures from pushing businesses to investment in productivity boosting technologies.


RATES BASED in a sentence | Sentences WordTool (2024)
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