The Washington Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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3 4 'H tphone Main 8260 Jxeiepaanfl Mam OTW mA jtf Embers "Revelation of a Wife" I PAP pjXx PPl'c1 $ton a 1 ySs i 4 ft i abric the safe antiseptic II 4 fiLLAGTIONON DI BUILDING GARAGE 1311 EStreet SE GLASSES To See Best Archie Engel Toor Optician 615 15th St NW Next Keith' Theater Phen Main7108 CANADIAN PACIIC Army Colonel by Diaz BLUEIELDS Nicaragua May 18 Lynton Wells an American newspaper man has been made A colonel in the Diaz army according to La Vol Del Atlantico "a local newspaper I The Woodlothian Players an or made up of the em ployes of Woodward a nd Lothrop presented American a four act comedy by Madeline Lu cette Ryley at Eastern High School Auditorium last nght Mt Vernon Presented With ire Detector To prevent the destruction of George historic home at Alt Vernon a fire detecting device has been installed as a gift from the manufacturers' and was formally presented yesterday Gru 'Agent Pass Ilept atUiington It The Parity of Cuticura It Unexceped or AUToiletPm'poses linist's devotion very much for granted while giving himonly the attention she would bestow upon any personable young 'man I had ob served with some indignation for Noel and secretly I was glad of Miss very apparent penchant for the young man: I guessed that conduct toward her faithful admirer would be decidedly less cav alier than it had been It was easy to see that as yet the young violinist had no idea of the little comedy which was being played around his head I never have known a more modest youth not a more self deprecatory one That the boy was suffering from something very like an inferiority complex on account 'of his unfortunate estrange ment from his father we all knew an4 I was sure that it would take a great deal of direct attack on Miss part to make him conscious of her (marked interest in him I told myself it promised to be an interesting and amusing Summer if the oung chate laine of The 'Larches kept up her present average Mrs'Ticer loomed large and 'for bidding upon the Veranda as i we came up the steps tea and muffins are she announced reproachfully as we came up the steps It was a salu tation familiar to me and one which I never dispute knowing that Mrs' Ticeris not a servant but a bor going to help a distinction very necessary to observe and heed when dealing with the country folk nf the east end of the island But Miss Lincoln stiffened "Remove the service and make us some more at she said and my head went5 up in a gesture as haughty as that of the young woman who employed her That an explosion was imminent I and averted it by the only means in my power Quickly chang ing my position so that my face was shielded from Miss Lincoln but per fectly visioned by my old neighbor': I grimaced compellingly at her andi exclaimed Mrs Ticer have you baked any of those delicious little cinna mon snaps for Miss Lincoln Copyright 1927 Newspaper eature Servian 6 I 5 I was I Miss Lincoln ou hostess of The Larches directed her co quettish little smiling i side glance and her provocative remark that there was no one to send her love letters by way of the Ihollowed out gatepost at which we just But it was Dicky who an swered her That he did so because he saw that diffidence was not proof against this open flattery and the young Violinist was dis tinctly embarrassed 1 was sure Yet I wjs consicous of a wonder whether Dicky might not be anxious to di vert the attention of our odd but charming young hostess to himself "It was a wonderful he eaiu "But it be a bold man indeed who would put a love letter in there now unless he was spre that his lady were watching ready to draw it opt at once Too many peo ple know about it Our red headed friend probably discover it himself wager its ibeen (used by the confiding and unsuspecting swains around here for a half cen tury Probably some of the usual unexplained tragedies of the coun tryside could be Raced: to the wrong man getting hold of the right letter or thefother way We all laughed at th nonsense as he meant us to do and then we returned to the house1 in the order we had come down to the gate Dicky and Miss Lincoln leading the way and I walking between Mary and Noel the rear 'J Beneath" my eyelashes I cast a furtive little glance at Marv andaw subtle signals of battle! in her heightened color and the uncon scious squaring of her shoulders1' I am in no sense a' matchmaker es pecially as Dicky's young niece is altogether too young to settle her future now but my sympathies had been excited by Noel Veritzen's self less devotion to Mary quixotic when he knew her only as themasked dancer and a 1 supposed protegee of the odious Jack Leslie and no less sincere and dogged now that she had been proved guiltless of any thing save girlish indiscretion in that unsavory episode That Mary with the self sufficiency of the young TRUCK TIRE SERVICE CO Inc 2110 Street NW tydings 1234 14th Strpet NW 621 623 Street NW UNITED TIRE STORES 2601 Pennsylvania Ave NW New Jersey and Rhode Islaod Aves NW KAY ST ACCESSORIES ILLING STATION 2021 Street I au ACHLM i STREET GARAGE i 1705 Street NW I Liberty garage 18th Street and lorida Ave NW LINWORTH AUTO SUPPLY Linworth and Streets SW i REID MIDDLETON 2106 Rhode Island Ave NE i SERVICE STATION 2323 Nichols Ave SE MILLIGAN GASOLINE STATION 6th Street and Ave NW MINUTE SERVICE STATION No 8 Penna Ave and Railroad Ave SE AUTO ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1012 Street NE MUTUAL TIRE CO 901 Penna Ave NW end it oow 'Many a man and woman otherwise attractive loses out because of epithelial debris (loose dandruff) Don't permit this disgusting condition Whip it as thousands have done with Listerinc the safe antiseptic There is no questioning its efficiency You simply douse it on the scalp full strength and massage thoroughly with the finger tips Keep it up religiously for a few days and in stubborn cases longer Results will delight you' Get it to day Lambert Pharmacal Company St Louis Mo jSie T0WN from the Lakes in the Clouds to swim in a new Grecian pool Away from the Valley of Ten peaks to ballroom overlooking a jade lake and glacier At Chateau axe juoiuse enjoy the scenic grandeur of the Canadian Rockies hiking riding motor rides the luxury of every modern scomfort iix day trail rides each week under auapicea the Trail Riders of 'the Canadian Rockies fj lotset guides camping only 81000 a day! Summer Tourist Tickets'at Reduced ares Ask for information rand ra I on Tour 1 43 rmn rs Gro 'Arent rail Hept 1 SM)5 1 15th Ht GARAGE 900 Rhoda Island Ave NE 439 Street NW TIRE REPAIR SHOP NORTHEAST AUTO EXCHANGE renna Ava nn I Ill di 'J H' 60 62 Street NE INSTANT SERVICE TIRE CO Inc I4th and st NW NORTHEAST BATTERY? SHOP i I If i 1 ft li "I 1000 12th Street Nt AUTO SUPPLY 823 Penna Ave SE ARK WAY ILLING STATION 14th Street and Park Road NW PLAZA AUTO SUPPLY CO 4th Street and Mui Ave NW REECE TIRE HOUSE 702 Rhode Island Ave NW 3006 Sherman Ave' NW SECURITY TIRE SERVICE SHOP 911 11th Street NW RED SHEPARD 3320 Street NW SERVICE GARAGE 216 Warren' Street NE STAR SERVICE STATION Inc 12th and Street NW STEVENS GEO 2731 iNichol Ave SE' TENTH SERVICE 10th and Street NW LONG DISTANCE MOVERS RB PROO Tan CRJtfl: AND PACK BY EXPERTS 1313 YOU STREET NW PHONE NORTH 3143 i 1 Luray Caverns By Bus And tn PrviraiM ShcnMdM Natlni Park May Nv Ba Seen in Ona Oay Round Trip to furay $600 Bus leave twice daily Sth St and Pa Av (Bu Terelaaf) 1 a and 2:30 a Intermediate Statlena Mananaa Warrenton Wahlnton and Saerryvilte BUSSES CHARTERED OR SPECIAL TOURS XV LURAY BUM LINE 54f5 STH ST Cel 6204 By A dele Garrison 1 I I i Noel Veritzen Passes Through an Embarrassing Crisis I I 1 I Noel Veriucn to' whomf was taxing the young Vio Mt Pleasant St on of your TIMES or Herald every day If you do not get your Herald by 7 a The Times by 5 nt or the Sunday Herald by 8 a call Main 5260 Delivery ia guaranteed and' your copy will be sent yen immediately from The Time Office by special messenger SPECIAL SET s10 Shrunken eatures Revered Youthful Contour Properly mada artiricial teeth tor you individually are a sound and life time investment tn health and Improved appearance Crnvrne nnd lirhiae Work fimnii 7 Term nt Payment to Hujt XAMINATION tKKE DR MOTLEY 613 7th StNWOpp Patent Office AMERICAN ACCESSORIES Georgia Ave and Upshur St AUTO SUPPLY 3201 BENNING SERVICE STATION Benning and Anacotiai Roads BROOKLAND GARAGE 1000 Michigan Ave NE I CAPITAL GARAGE! 1312 New York Ave I NW CAPITAL RADIATOR SUPPLY CO 215 Penna Ave CENTRAL AUTO WORKS GARAGE 449 Eye St Niy I DISTRICT AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CO Penna Ave and 21st St NW TIRE HOUSE 1211 Ninth St NW ELLICOTT LINGLEjY 4300 Wisconsin Ave NW LORIDA AUTO SUPPLY 3d St and la Ave NE A RENCH ACCESS CO 424 9th St NW 356OO Ball Oldfield Tubes also priced low ollowing Dealers taii Say'e' ndSeyve'X NATIONAL AUTO T1RE CO SCHOOL MUSK ESTIVAL A muslc festival funder the direc tion of Misb Emm Louise Thomp son will be held today by various musical organizations a nt Business High School including tne acnooi or chestra the boys and gle? cluba the Harmonica Club and various quartet groups Horoscope By GENEVIEVE THURSDAY MAY 19 A day of unusual benefits and op portunities is forecast by the exoel Jeat Solar aspect to Jupiter and Mer and the mutual configuration between the latter and Jupiter These "urge to bold adventures and promiseexpansion in business and money but there is a figure ad Tmonishing discretion in investmentsand conservatism in speculation warning against a 'rash or precipi itous embracing of' these alluring io pen Ings Properly manipulated 'livers should be unusual success andstable benefits Those wbose birthday it is may Hook for a year of splendid oppor tunity for large and stable good for Itune but all ventures should be en tered upon with sufficient considera 'Jtion and not with precipitancy to which restlessness and excitementanay dispose A child born on this day may be restlesn and fond of change but should have many oppor trinities fn life for success and finan dal prosperity if it be trained to conservatism Here'S yeer ehejire for imnlor ar evail yourself of the evcH kat nMd cat buya In The Times and 'Herald Clasaified Ada WASHINGTON ACCESSORIES 1TL 2 I MW DOC ILLING STATIONS Na iMVifl Sirjhdbla JMW No 2 Ga Ave and Colorado A vs NW No 2014 lorida Ave at Conn MOTOR SALES 1 Capitol Haights Md Upper Marlboro Md GREENWOOD GARAGE 1 7 Ckerrydale Va HENDRICK MOTOR CO Takoma Park Md SHEPHERD Clarendon Va LEE HIGHWAY SERVICE Rosslyn Va BROS1US BROS GORMLEY Rockville Md 14 Silver Spring Md CASSADY KOEHL MOTPK CO i Tahoma Park Md a a 4LL 1122212 me creaa nowever is not uie omy unpuriaiit part am die balloon tire This tread must be placed on a carcass that has the qualifications to withstand the terrific: flex ing that this design permits The irestone carcass is made of cords dipped in a rubber solution which not only saturates and insulates every fiber of every cord but unihes sidewalls wiui carcass eliminating any pos sibility of separation under the extreme flexing or low pressure tires Zv Many irestone Dealers are prepared to take your old tires ofterine vou a liberal allowance on a new set of irestone Guin Dipped Tires to start the motoring season To meet a demand for a low price tire and tube irestone designed and manufactures Oldfield Tires and Tubes for irestone Dealers only They can furnish you with these: tires at the low prices quoted cartying the standard Manufacturers Guarantee The Public Buildings Commissiin yesterday its hands" ot any responsibility for the future housing of the District 'government Restating its previous policy the commission again emphasized the fact that the entire District gov ernment must be removed from I triangle south of Pennsylvania 1 Avenue as soon as the new public buildings program gets under way This applies not only to the various 1 District activities whch must find temporary housing whiie riAtv Commerce Structure is being built but to the main office of the municipal ad ministration in'the District Building Itself The District government will be given a definite period of probably six months in which to find temporary quarters for the House of Detention the Traffic Bureau and other activities outside ZZfhe main District Building which will not be taken over by the Public Buildings Commission for a period of several Meantime commission will lend its moral support for the creation of a civic center' north of Pennsylvania Avenue but it will not take any part in the legislation re quired for the project or assume any responsibility for the plans alls Church Railway Line to Quit Service The chambers of of Ar llngton and airfax counties will meet with the mayors of the towns in the two counties in the Building Clarendon tomorrow night to discuss plans for' meeting a pos sible discontinuance of operation of the alls Church division of theZ TVabTigton Virginla railway This division runs from Arlington Junc tion to alls Church RZ Hinchman of wj)o purchased the alls Church di vision at a recent sale will not operate it after Tube 1 according to Churchairfax frealf dr 4 Man Jailed l80 Days jt or Attack on Girl Gabriel George Parker colored 426 Washington was accused before Judge Schuldt In Police Court yesterday by 12 year olu Ida May Hawkins colored Champlain St of attempt ing a criminal assault upon her Ust Saturday 4 4 Parker denied the charge but received a jail sentence of 180 days for assault at Low Cash Prices 1 1 1 i Z9z44O 7 840 LJtlK WASHINGTON HEKAWAfi'Awwrtcan Paper for tha Americanepp(erTHUKfcpAY MAY 19 1927 EMPLOYES GIVE COMEDY Newspaper Man Is Made OLDIELD til 1 vj 1 TIRES I 1 4 Have Purchased 100 More I I I't V' I 4 iTr hu 1 4 1 i 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 kr 7 'i a4 1 7 i v' 1 jd ljlr 4 GUM DIPPED Year Compared With BHE demand from car owners for irestone Gum Dipped Tires has given ritestone Dealers a large increase in yolume that enables them to sell these tires tb you at the lowest jin the 'histOryi of the jindiastry rz fZzjZ i'Pzi On the cars of motorists everywhere in the every day service of the largest truck and bus operators these wonderful tires are delivering unheard of long mileage together with 4 I 1 i 1 1 1 4 I I I greaterzsat 1 Pp The irestone Balloon Tread scientifically designed three years ago and unchanged today follows the contour of the tire carcass with no excess rubber at the edges to cause Narrow rider strips permit the tread to yield to depressions and ding to the road preventing studding 1 his tough pliable tread has the wear resisting qualities that give thousands A i Ife i I a's Jf I a A nr pvrra mi ix I Mp j'yZZ Jz 4 pi I ti MP1 i Xz XZZ A'1 LI if 'It vP 'W I A A 4 i ti 17 fz A zw hZ I I ake biii iin i tmmmM 4 wz toHl ift ijiji ii '1 1 1 ij I7T A 1 ITP WC a it A i Al ik a a Biwraswznr Is i i sm I ip VI i i ifx3lvk 'UU iMRffif I KTUZfl IT (H I 1 III 3 not 1 WralEMk Sa I ZZ VZ'X KtiXuiy iiiiii i'iyUiMiin to iiini'iirii iiuiiiiiimii iiu 25 31 tv Jm zzi 1 A Z1 I 1 Mr X' 4 cammi mnp 440S BliaW 7' Mil MH i 1 i 7 ll 1 1 1 i 7 1 z' IP P' IU zpfx SraftgSx A 0 mr a I.

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The Washington Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.