Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe (2024)

Our Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe is one of our wonderful Irish recipes! It’s lovely to serve baileys coffee as a solo dessert beverage. Some folks think it has to be kalhua vs baileys–I say why not have both?! Unless you prefer the traditional Irish coffee baileys just by itself, then omit the kahlua.

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe (1)

Why we love Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe

I have yet to find a variety of coffee that I don’t completely adore! There are many ways that dreamy dark cups of coffee are prepared around the world. I’ve tried my fair share of them in my travels… I embrace them all!! 🙂

I love our Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua recipe–it’s fun combo you’ll love too! Perfect for any brunch or dessert–either way you will adore it!

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe (2)

Today’s Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe is a traditional Irish hot beverage!

Ohhhh kay, I added the Kahlua because why not?! I’m thinking the more-coffee flavor there is the more-better it is! (at least in my book.)

While the most common everyday beverage in Ireland is tea and popular alcoholic beverages include whiskey, beer, and ale. Coffee mixed with whiskey and whipped cream is known throughout the world as “Irish coffee.”

In my recent European travels that included a few days in Dublin, Ireland I made sure to stop and enjoy an Irish Coffee! This is a photo of the Irish Coffee I enjoyed while waiting for my departing flight in the Dublin, Ireland airport. . .

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe (3)

History of Irish Coffee

Chef and Bartender Joe Sheridan worked at the Foynes Airport, Shannon Ireland.

He created the traditional Irish Coffee on a cold night as he was hoping to warm travelers,

Sheridan put some good Irish whiskey into their coffees and topped it with pouring cream.

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe (4)

How did Irish Coffee get to the US?

• In 1951, Stanton Delaplane, a reporter for The San Francisco Chronicle, enjoyed a cup of Sheridan’s Irish Coffee at Foynes Airport.

• The reporter flew home to the US and spent a long evening at The Buena Vista Cafe in San Francisco attempting to work out the proper balance of ingredients.

• Soon enough, Jack Koeppler, the owner of The Buena Vista, found himself to be the proprietor of the most prosperous saloon in the city practically overnight, thanks to Irish Coffee!

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe (5)

Ingredients Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe!

  • dark hot coffee
  • baileys irish cream
  • kahlua coffee liquor
  • brown sugar
  • fresh whipping cream for topping

Remember last weeks Irish Cream Bundt Cake? You may have spied this Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua in one of the cake photo’s. I must say it was a lovely pairing all the way around!

We’re sure you’ll love our too.

Yield: 1

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe is a wonderful beverage to accompany brunch or dessert!

Prep Time10 minutes

Total Time10 minutes


  • 1 cup dark hot coffee
  • 3 tablespoons baileys irish cream
  • 2 tablespoons kahlua coffee liquor
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fresh whipping cream for topping


  1. Place pressed brown sugar in the base of serving glass.
  2. Add baileys irish cream and kahlua coffee liquor to glass, then top off with coffee.
  3. Top with whipped cream and serve hot.
  4. Stir and Sip!
  5. Enjoy.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 520Total Fat: 11gSaturated Fat: 7gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 34mgSodium: 26mgCarbohydrates: 51gFiber: 0gSugar: 51gProtein: 1g

More Irish Recipes

Guinness Beef and Potato Stew

Irish Cheddar, Ham, and Chive Scones

• Irish Soda Farls

• Corned Beef and Cabbage

• Spicy Reuben Sandwich

• Irish Cream Bundt Cake

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe is a must-make for St. Patrick’s Day!

One more thing before you go…

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Ruthie & Madeliene

Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe (2024)


Irish Coffee with Baileys and Kahlua Recipe? ›

Baileys and Kahlua both complement a freshly brewed cup of coffee, but there are distinct differences between the two liqueurs. Baileys is creamy and derives its taste from cream, cocoa, and Irish Whiskey. Kahlua is dark without the creaminess of Baileys and is made with 100 percent arabica coffee, rum, and sugar.

Should I put Baileys or Kahlua in coffee? ›

Baileys and Kahlua both complement a freshly brewed cup of coffee, but there are distinct differences between the two liqueurs. Baileys is creamy and derives its taste from cream, cocoa, and Irish Whiskey. Kahlua is dark without the creaminess of Baileys and is made with 100 percent arabica coffee, rum, and sugar.

Does Kahlua go in Irish coffee? ›

HOW TO MAKE. Into an Irish coffee mug (it's a thing – look it up), or heat resistant mug, add Kahlúa coffee liqueur, Jameson Irish whiskey and your favorite hot coffee. Spoon the whipped cream on top and garnish with grated nutmeg ('tis the season!)

Which has more sugar Baileys Irish Cream or Kahlua? ›

Kahlua contains more sugar than Baileys, so if you're watching your sugar intake, Baileys may be the better choice. Nonetheless, both liqueurs can be enjoyed in moderation and make great additions to various co*cktail recipes.

How much Kahlua do you put in coffee? ›

  1. 1 part Kahlúa. 2 parts Coffee.
  2. 30 ml Kahlúa. 60 ml Coffee.
  3. 1 oz Kahlúa. 2 oz Coffee.

Does Baileys need to be refrigerated? ›

Whether or not it has been opened, a bottle of Baileys lasts for two years. It's best to keep the bottle of Baileys away from direct sunlight, per The Rusty Spoon, because temperatures over 77 degrees F can change its consistency. Even though Baileys doesn't need to be refrigerated, it will eventually go bad.

How do you add Baileys to coffee without curdling? ›

Use full-fat milk or cream: Using full-fat milk or cream in your coffee can help prevent curdling. The higher fat content helps to stabilize the mixture [1]. Allow the coffee to cool slightly: Allowing the coffee to cool slightly before adding Baileys can reduce the likelihood of curdling.

Does Kahlua float on Baileys? ›

Irish Cream - the bailey's floats on top of the Kahlua to create the middle layer. Whiskey - traditionally Crown Royal, a Canadian Whiskey, is used but you can use whatever brand of whisky you like.

What alcohol goes in Irish coffee? ›

Pour Irish whiskey into the prepared glass. Fill with coffee to within 1/2 inch of top. Add sugar and stir. Top with whipped cream.

What is a Gaelic Irish coffee? ›

Put whisky into warmed glass, add coffee and sugar to taste. Pour cream over back of spoon to give thick coating on top. Sip the very hot coffee through the layer of cool cream.

Which tastes better Kahlua or Baileys? ›

Kahlua is more coffee-flavored than Baileys - which comes off as sweeter and creamier in general. This doesn't mean it's better or worse though, because there are people who prefer one over the other! If you want to try them both out for yourself, go to your local liquor store and ask for a Kahlua or Baileys.

Does Kahlua need to be refrigerated? ›

Should Kahlúa be refrigerated? No, but we recommend to store it in a cool dry place once opened. What percentage of alcohol is in Kahlúa Original?

Can Type 2 diabetics drink Baileys? ›

Keep alcohol to safe levels

and cream liqueurs, for example Baileys® and Irish Mist® are high in sugar as Page 5 well as alcohol and, therefore, not good choices. Remember to use sugar-free/'diet' mixers. Avoid “binge” drinking.

Can you just drink Kahlua straight? ›

It can be served straight up or on the rocks depending on your preference. You can also add Kahlua to your favorite coffee drink. Pour some in a cup of hot coffee for an enjoyable beverage. Additionally, you can even add it into chocolate milk or any other type of creamy beverage you like.

What is a good combination with Kahlua? ›

The White Russian may be the most popular of all Kahlúa co*cktails and, aside from the two-part Black Russian, is one of the easiest to make. This combination of vodka, Kahlúa and cream is an adult milkshake and dessert in a glass.

What is a good mixer with Kahlua? ›

Some popular drinks that can be made with Kahlua include:
  • White Russian: Kahlua, vodka, and cream.
  • Espresso Martini: Kahlua, vodka, and espresso.
  • Mudslide: Kahlua, vodka, Irish cream, and milk.
  • Black Russian: Kahlua and vodka.
  • Mind Eraser: Kahlua, vodka, and soda water.
Feb 4, 2023

What liqueur is good in coffee? ›

How to Spike Your Coffee
  • BAILEYS IRISH CREAM. A classic mix, Irish cream and coffee is a staple. ...
  • RUMCHATA. Wisconsin's very own cream liqueur. ...
  • JAMESON IRISH WHISKEY. You can only make Irish coffee with Irish whiskey. ...
  • AMARETTO. ...

Is Baileys good in coffee? ›

Directions. Brew your favorite coffee as you normally would. Instead of milk, add a drop of Baileys Original Irish Cream, or use your favourite flavour of Baileys if you're feeling creative – they're all just sooo delicious in a hot cup of coffee!

Should I use Baileys or Kahlua for espresso martini? ›

Kahlua is a coffee liqueur with a strong coffee flavor and a hint of caramel. It is a good choice for espresso martinis that you want to have a strong coffee flavor. Baileys is an Irish cream liqueur with a creamy texture and a flavor of chocolate, vanilla, and cream.

Is Kahlua or Baileys better for espresso martini? ›

Is Baileys or Kahlua better for espresso martini? We're making this creamy espresso martini with Baileys liqueur to get that creamy flavor! But one benefit of Kahlua is that it provides an espresso martini recipe with rich coffee flavor. So to get that flavor, I recommend using Bailey's Espresso Creme flavor!

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.